Installing Nomad is very easy. The first thing you should do is to get a tarball.
Untar it and you are ready to run (well almost :-). You just need to take care of few simple things.
- Python 2.2+ complier (Tested on 2.2.1)
- MySQL 3.23+ (Tested on 3.23.51 and 4.0.1, WILL NOT WORK on 3.22.x)
- MySQLDb 0.9.3 beta (This won't support less than MySQL 3.23)
- Apache with mod_python(or whatever way you know. This is just to run Nomad Searcher)
Instructions To Get Nomad Crawler Running.
- Create datbase with name "NomadDB" or whatever you wish to name it.
Choose the username password to access your Nomad database.
Don't forget to change the required values in / file.
- Run at your prompt.
Now the tables have ben created. Check in your database to confirm.
- Change configuration
Open up the file in any text editor to change the values.
The comments given in the file are self-explanatory.
If you change the START_FROM_FILE constant, do check out the startup.txt file
to specify the FQDNs to start crawl with.
- Run the Crawler
- Check the log [DEFAULT is /debug.log] and DATA directory [DEFAULT is /data/]
- To see the stats, RUN
Instructions To Get Nomad Searcher Running.
- Create an entry in your httpd.conf file. Below given is the Sample VirtualHost Directive
ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
DocumentRoot /path/to/nomad
SetHandler python-program
AddHandler python-program .py
PythonHandler mod_python.publisher
AllowOverride All
Options Indexes ExecCGI
PythonDebug on
ErrorLog logs/error_log
CustomLog logs/access_log common
- Open the URL (http://host/path/to/nomad/search) in netscape or whatever your favourite browser is.